Goed, wat kan ik zeggen na twee weken vakantie en één week ziek...? Blij dat ik weer terug ben. Maar voordat ik met mijn werkplek begin wil ik eerst Sarah heel erg bedanken dat ze mij koos bij haar
My Mojo Monthly Challenge van afgelopen maand. Ik las 't vorige week toen ik terug kwam van vakantie en ik moet zeggen... ik ben toch wel trots. In ieder geval hangt mijn
Love door hanger nu op een deur in de woonkamer
Well, what can I say after two weeks holiday and one week feeling unwell…? I'm glad I’m back again. But before I start with my desk I just want to say thanks Sarah for choosing me as the winner of the My Mojo Monthly challenge last month. I found out when I came back home last week and I must say… I feel very proud! My Love door hanger is hanging in the living room now J
En nu de woensdag 'zaken'. En heb je geen idee waar ik het over heb? Ga dan eens kijken op Julia's blog door deze WOYWW link te volgen en lees alles over woensdagen en bureaubladen.
And now the Wednesday 'thing'. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, follow this WOYWW link to Julia’s blog and read all about it.
Dit is mijn werkblad van deze woensdag. Het enige wat je erop ziet zijn mijn gekochte spulletjes uit Oslo, Noorwegen. Voordat we op vakantie gingen las ik, in het laatste Magnolia magazine, over een winkel 'Bikuben' in Strømmen, net buiten Oslo. En omdat onze cruiseferry in Oslo zou aanleggen wilde ik uitzoeken of deze winkel niet te ver van onze reisroute af zou liggen. En ja hoor.... voor een bezoek aan de winkel zouden we niet ver om hoeven rijden. Lucky me!!!
This is my desk this Wednesday. Just a lot of goodies I bought in Oslo, Norway. Before we went on holiday I found an article in the last Magnolia magazine about the shop ‘Bikuben’ in Strømmen, just outside Oslo. As our cruise ferry arrives in Oslo I wanted to find out if the shop was on our road. And yes… after a little research I found out it was. Lucky me!!!
De winkel in Oslo is vrij nieuw en is een eldorado voor scrappers en stempelaars. Ik heb hier heerlijk 2 uur kunnen rondsnuffelen, dankzij een heel geduldige Jan xxx, en nog heb ik niet alles kunnen zien. En natuurlijk wilde ik jullie een glimp van deze winkel niet onthouden.
The shop is pretty new and it’s a heavenly place for scrappers and stampers. I spend two hours there – thanks for such a patient hubby xxx - and didn’t see everything. Here you see a glimpse of the shop.
Ik was hoofdzakelijk geinteresseerd in materialen uit Scandinavie, zoals papier en stempels en hier zie je schitterend designpapier van PionDesign. De kleuren van dit papier zijn heel zacht, de prints zeer gedetailleerd en er zijn vier verschillende designs op één vel. Ideaal voor iemand als ik die veel kleine projecten maakt.

I was especially interested in the Scandinavian materials such as papers and stamps. Here you can see some beautiful papers from Pion Design. The colours are very beautiful and soft, the prints are so detailed and there are four different designs on one piece. Just perfect when you like to make smaller pieces.
Maar nu weer terug naar thuis. Op dit moment ben ik bezig met een aantal secret projects. Het enige wat ik kan laten zien zijn enkele losse materialen, maar binnen 4 weken hoop ik deze complete projecten te kunnen laten zien. Tot dan... druk, druk, druk.
But now back home. At this moment I’m working on some secret projects. I only can show you these loose materials but within a few weeks I hope to show you the complete projects. Until then…busy, busy, busy.
Dat is het weer voor nu. Ik hoop dat je een heleboel inspiratie kunt opdoen vandaag.
Have a happy and crafty Wednesday.
So that’s it for now. Hope you pick up lots of inspiration today.
Have a happy and crafty Wednesday
24 opmerkingen:
Good to see you back but sorry you've not beeen well too. Love your goodies - that was the store Tim Holtz did a demo at a few weeks ago! Have a great day, Helen 9
...sorry to hear you've not been well...looks like you've got lots of loVely things to cheer you up though...thanks for sharing today...Mel :)
Hi Franka you have some very pretty things to play with on your desk today. I look forward to seeing what your secret projects are! Happy WOYWW from Helen 111
Wowee - check out that store. Heaven on Earth indeed. I would have spent the whole holiday there... and you can never have enough papers, that's for sure. The polka dot paper above is very yummy...looking forward to the big reveal and Zeist!!!!!!!
its always so nice when you find a new craft shop,lots of fab goodies
have a great week :)
Fab picks and such fab goodies too. Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77
Zoooooo lekker naar Noorwegen geweest, heerlijk land he! Ik ken die winkel niet in Oslo...alleen Panduro in Sandvika (voorstad van Oslo). Maar ziet er super uit zeg...en wat je gekocht heb ook!
Geniet maar lekker na, hopelijk voel je je nu wel weer beter?!
groetjes, Alie :-)...tot in Zeist?
Lovely load of new stash Pion papers you must'nt use them just look at them as they are sooooo gorgeous, Hugs May x x x No14
That is one amazing shop - glad you had such a great time there. That's a lovely sneaky peek of you holding the papers!!
Hugs, LLJ #74 xx
PS Hope you are feeling better now xx
great shop! I read something about it in another post and it sounds awesome. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #138
I love inkidoo stamps and isn't it lovely shopping in different countries?
You look so happy just holding that paper!
wow.... looks like a lot of fun stuff to look through..it would take hours...of course....
I hope you feel much better now..... I can commiserate...I've been sick for weeks ... it's horrible not feeling up to doing anything.
Hope you are feeling much better now. I read about the shop in Oslo via Dyan Reavley, she was demonstrating there with Tim Holtz a week are so ago, it looks amazing.
Keep well
Sheilagh 112
Congratulations on the "my love doorhanger", I had to take a peek at it, and it's gorgeous!! waving hi from my balcony in the hills of North Carolina :)
Fun new goodies, and what a great store!!!
What a fab shop - I love the decorated writing paper. x Jo
Ohooo Lucky you with all that stash! and well done on the Door hanger, I remember it, but couldn't comment at the time and now can't remember if i went back later, so will pop back and see! Hope you're feeling a lot better.
Have a great crafty week! HaPpY WoYwW!
Good Morning! Still trying to make all the rounds to the desks. Looks like you had a great time in scrapbook/stamping heaven that's what we call here love the looks of those papers have a great day
oooh such lovely things you have bought! Those papers look fabulous. Thank you for visiting my desk and have a happy and creative week xx
What fabulous things you have purchased and it is always nice to find a new shop that you can spend heaps of time in shopping.
I love spending time in craft shops ...love the look of so much of what you bought ...especially the butterfly vintage stamp. xx17
What a fantastic load of craft goodies. You lucky girl x
Sophie no.183
What lovely papers you chose!
Great blog Suzanne 88
Sorry that you've been unwell but you're probably fine by now because I'm so late visiting this week so I apologise...but better late than never eh?
What a wonderful store with all those lovely crafty supplies.
Thanks for letting me take a peek at your desk :D
Must dash.... Neesie #30
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