Welkom iedereen op deze inspirerende woensdag. Vandaag heb je de mogelijkheid om rond te snuffelen bij verschillende bureaubladen en, misschien, vind je wat nieuwe inspiratie. Wil je meer weten over deze bureaubladen, volg dan de WOYWW link aan de rechterkant van mijn blog en misschien zien we jou bureaublad volgende week.
Welcome again on this inspiring Wednesday where you can hop between different work desks and, hopefully, find some new inspiration. If you want to know more about all this desk hopping, follow the WOYWW link on the right site of my blog and maybe you want to join in with us too.
Op mijn werkblad is vandaag iets vreemds te zien, nl. plastic boterhammenzakjes. Toen ik mijn laatste CraftStamper doorbladerde, vond ik dit project "Crinkled Ink". Het sprak mij direct aan, omdat je hierbij kunt experimenteren met inkt en plastic zakjes en (niet geheel onbelangrijk) het eindresultaat zag er ook mooi uit.
On my desk today you can see something unusual, plastic bags. When I received my last CS I found this project “Crinkled Ink”. It was not only the results which I like, but also the playing with Ink and plastic bags.

One of the first things I started playing around with, was to try out which sort of paper I should to use. Here you see two tests, the first one done on rough paper. I think the patterns of the plastic bag and the background colours didn’t blend well enough. So this one ended up in the bin.

On the second one I tried out a paper I got from a friend. This one has a really smooth surface and I think it's the best. The colours blend nicely and you can see some of the plastic patterns in between.
Wanneer ik uiteindelijk weet welke materialen ik wil gebruiken en de resultaten zijn goed, word ik pas echt enthousiast. Ik pak alle kleuren Distress Inkt die ik heb en start met het kiezen van een aantal mooie combinaties om verschillende nieuwe achtergronden te maken. Hier is een impressie van de andere achtergronden die ik heb gemaakt. tijdens het drogen van de inkt ga ik vervolgens eens nadenken over eventuele onderwerpen en de daarbij behorende stempels.
Now I'm liking the results and that makes me more enthusiastic. So I pick up lots of different coloured Distress Ink and go with the flow. Here is an impression of the other backgrounds. I just chose some colours I liked and when it was dry, I started with thinking about the subject and stamping them.
De eerste poging ziet er best aardig uit, maar voor mijn gevoel kan het beter. Wanneer ik de techniek wat beter beheers komen de ideeen vanzelf. De volgende heeft als onderwerp "het strand". Ik denk dat deze creatie wat meer in balans is en een duidelijker focal point heeft.
The first one worked well, but that’s about it really. Generally, I like to be more familiar with a new technique, before the results improve and then lots of ideas start coming to my mind. For the next one I’ve chosen ‘the beach’ as subject. I think this one has a lot more balance and a stronger focal point.
Als laatste stap worden de stempelcreaties omgevormd tot een kaart, maar daarvoor zullen jullie moeten wachten tot volgende week. Ik hoop dat ik je enthousiast heb kunnen maken om deze techniek zelf eens te gaan proberen en misschien zie ik, volgende week, een aantal projecten van jullie met deze techniek.
Have a happy and crafty Wednesday.
The last step is to make a complete card out of it, but you'll have to wait until next week to see the finished results. I hope I can encourage you to also give it a try and maybe I'll see some of your projects, with this technique, next week.
Have a happy and crafty Wednesday.
18 opmerkingen:
Sounds like a fun project. Thanks for the peek and sharing xoxo Marjo #40 or so..
Hoi Franka, dit biedt eindeloze mogelijkheden he!
Leuk dat je de probeersels en resultaten deelt :-)
Groetjesss, Alie
wow... nice idea... looks really good with the stamped images on
Great results from those plastic bags... I also love to use clingfilm for a "cracked ice" technique. Thanks for popping in on me and I hope to have the instructions or video for the mini book soon... it's soooo easy!
JoZarty x
Gorgeous colours and texture Franka - I love them both, and also understand what you're saying...maybe just give the first boy 'something to stand on' just a little stamping to give him some ground so he's not floating. The seaside one is totally perfect - love it - you are a very good stamper with a great eye for design....I want to see more!
Hi there. Just a quick peek around the door this week as time is definitely not on my side! I did want to visit though. I too saw that technique in the mag and am looking forward to giving it a go!
Oh wow Franka, those backgrounds are fab.
The images you’ve chosen look perfect on the Blue/Grey shades you’ve used.
I have CS too and was looking at the same article with interest. I plan to give it a try myself at some point.
Happy Crafting!
Love your experiments with the plastic bags - I saw the article as well and want to have a go.
Oh, now that's clever! The plastic bag technique, huh? Hadn't heard of that before but it's really effective. It looks great as a background for all the stamping!
Hugs, LLJ xx
Your backgrounds look really good, I like them. So how exactly does this technique work? I would love to know and then try it out myself.
Very nice! thanks for sharing.
I've used this technique before and am always impressed with the results. Love it with the stamping. Happy WOYWW from # 11.
They look good - and playing with a technique always is good as crafty 'play' time and for trying out new stuff - so often it leads to other great ideas.
This looks such fun ...I love inky bubble wrap so I should love doing this too.Thanks for the idea.xx
Looks like a fun and very creative way of making backgrounds. x Jo
You have really mastered the art of plastic bag inking. I am going to have to give it a go as I have the magazine too! Thanks for the inspiration xx
I saw this is Craft Stamper, I thought it looked a great technique- yours seem to be coming together.Running a bit late this week, have a good week, Shaz
very nice! I will have to try this technique. Love the stamping! Vickie
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